So I got medically cleared on June 15th. On June 21st, I thought I was going to have to wait another 9 months to get placed. One day after my last entry, I heard from Placement. It was my Placement Specialist, and she wanted me to answer some more questions and also set up a time to speak on the phone. Elated, I announced I'd be free to talk on Monday.
Monday morning rolls around, and it is about 11:10 in the AM. The specialist calls, and we discuss the option of either me going as a regular English teacher this September, or waiting until next year to work as a Teacher Trainer. I weighed out my two options pretty heavily, and decided the placement in September worked best. To be quite honest, I am a little disappointed I will not be working as a Teacher Trainer, because it really would have looked nice on my resume. That being said, I will have some definite perks working in my upcoming placement!!
So the specialist said "Eastern Europe" for the first week in September. I quickly jumped online to look at the timeline, and Macedonia it is!! I spent the rest of the day at work googling every piece of info I could find out about the place and the programs.
In comparing my two options (teacher vs. teacher trainer) I think the only downfall at this point will be the difference in the job title. Macedonia, however, looks INCREDIBLE!! I am seriously pumped!! Not to mention, I'll be in a good place, geographically, for nice weather, close to friends I know over there, and not too terribly expensive for family to come visit. The proximity to other volunteers will be great, and the living conditions are considered "posh corps," bc most places have running water and electricity.
All in all, I am a mixture of terrified, anxious, nervous, excited, and a little sad. Now I just have to sell my stuff, pack my stuff, and move out of my awesome house. I'll spend the next two months saying my goodbyes, spending every second with my dog, and doing A LOT of packing!!