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Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm in Vienna!!

Man on man....the last two days have been LONG. I flew into Philly on Friday, which was hell all on its own. The morning began with a 4am wakeup. After crying and saying goodbye to my mother and sister, I checked my bags for my first flight.

My departing flight from Nashville was delayed for 45 minutes. We were stuck on the plane for the whole 45 minutes, and I literally cried the entire time, because I just knew I was going to miss my connecting flight. Thankfully, my connecting flight in Memphis was also delayed, so I ended up catching the flight, after having a minor asthma attack. Finally, I landed in Philly with only about an hour to get to the hotel, check in, register, and begin training.

The rest of the day was packed full of orientation activities. By the end of the night, I enjoyed my last meal in America with some fellow PCVs, enjoyed some time with my hotel roommate, and went to bed. The following morning, we were out fo the hotel by 9am. We were bussed over 2 hours to JFK, where we sat for like 5 hours before our departure.

After 7.5 hours on a plane with a new found buddy from Israel, I managed to land safely in Vienna, where I now sit, typing to all of you. PHEW. From here, we have one last flight to Skopje, and then we hop on a bus for about a half hour ride out to our hotel. We will be at that hotel for the next week. Then, we get to move in with our host families!!

That's all for now. I haven't slept in about 20+ hours, so I'm a little loopy. I am already missing everyone terribly. <3

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